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Khosrow Adeli

Head of Clinical Biochemistry
Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto

Dr. Adeli is the Head of Clinical Biochemistry in the Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, as well as a Senior Scientist in the Molecular Medicine Program of the Research Institute, at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. He is also a Full Professor and Vice Chair of Quality in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto. He currently serves as the President of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), a worldwide organization with 98 member countries and more than 45,000 laboratory physicians and scientists around the world. He is also the current Editor-in-Chief of Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences.  Since 1988, Dr. Adeli has been actively involved in both molecular and clinical laboratory research. He has over 30 years of experience in clinical chemistry service, education, and research, with over 600 articles and abstracts published to date. His achievements have been recognized through several distinctions and career awards. Dr. Adeli’s main area of research is focused on understanding the pathophysiology of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Specifically, his laboratory is investigating the neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating intestinal and hepatic lipoprotein overproduction in insulin-resistant states and the role of the gut-brain-liver axis in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. Dr. Adeli is also active in clinical chemistry research and is the principal investigator of the CALIPER (Canadian Laboratory Initiative on Pediatric Reference Interval Database) program to establish a laboratory reference interval database for biomarkers of pediatric health and disease.


Critical Impact of Postanalytical Quality in Clinical Decision Making

Quality in Laboratory Medicine
Clinical value of laboratory medicine
9.2.2024 09:15 - 10:00 | 208 - Mylab