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Labquality Days

6-7 February 2025


International Congress on Quality
in Laboratory Medicine and Health Technology

Labquality Days is one of Northern Europe's largest annual international congresses focusing on quality in laboratory medicine and health technology.

The inspiring atmosphere of the annual scientific congress gathers medical laboratory and health technology professionals together to exchange ideas and meet colleagues in Finland.

Labquality Days 2025 

00 Months
00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes
00 Seconds

Call for ePosters

The ePoster exhibition arranged during Labquality Days is a great opportunity to showcase projects and research results in laboratory medicine, personalized medicine or quality management.

Become an Exhibitor

The exhibition gives you excellent visibility into the Finnish and global medical laboratory and healthcare technology fields. Book your exhibition space now and ensure your presence!

General information

Here you will find more practical information concerning the International Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine.

Latest news

Navigating the ‘Regulatory Lasagna’: How the EU’s New AI Act Impacts Healthcare and Medical Devices

Navigating the ‘Regulatory Lasagna’: How the EU’s New AI Act Impacts Healthcare and Medical Devices

Erik Vollebregt will demystify Europe’s AI Act and explain how it layers atop existing medical device regulations at...

Labquality is now Aurevia!

Come and get to know our new brand at our Labquality Days exhibition stand M22!

Introducing keynote speakers: Timo Kupsa ja Johannes Hatsolo Hattunen

Get to know the Labquality Days 2025 congress keynote speakers!
Under the auspices of:

Labquality Days is compliant with the Ethical MedTech Conference Vetting System.