Congress Mobile App
Download the free Labquality Days 2025 mobile application – the entire congress at your fingertips!
Labquality Days 2025 continues on the digital path. With the congress app, we wish to make your congress experience better than ever by providing you with up-to-date information throughout the congress. Going digital is also our way to commit to sustainability and environmental values.
Please find the instructions on how to download and use the application below.
And please don’t worry — if you are not familiar with the world of mobile applications, there will be people to help you with the application at Messukeskus, the congress venue, in February.

You'll find all the necessary congress information in the app!
The app contains the scientific program and speakers. Under the program, you can find the schedule and a brief summary of the lectures' topics. You can also add lectures to your favourites, which will be saved on the homepage in their own listing.
You can get to know the lecturers on the speaker page and read their introductions.
The event application also lists exhibitors involved in the Labquality Days 2025 event. You can check the location of their exhibition booths and read their introductions.
With the help of the maps, you can quickly and effortlessly navigate the congress area.
The mobile application also contains many other useful information, such as lunch menus and general information about the event.
How to access the app
- You will receive a personal link to the email address you used when registering for the congress. The link will be sent out in the week before the congress.
- The app works on your mobile phone's browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.)
- You can install the app to your phone's home screen by following the instructions in the app.
- You will also receive a text message with a link to the app on the morning of the first day of the congress.