Book your accommodation at the congress venue hotel or one of our recommended hotels. Both hotels are located near the congress venue. Participants should book and pay for their accommodation themselves.

Sokos Hotel Tripla
The hotel is located within walking distance from the congress venue next to the Pasila railway station.
Standard single room 150 EUR/night
Standard double room 170 EUR/night
Rates include breakfast during normal opening hours, wireless internet access (Wi-Fi), VAT and guest sauna.
Online reservation – Reservation code BLQDAYS2025. You can also make a reservation by calling the hotel at +358 20 1234 611. When calling, you must use reservation code BLQDAYS2025. All bookings must be confirmed with a credit card.
Please note that there is a limited number of rooms in the quota reserved by the congress organizers.
Guests pay individually, method of payment: cash or debit / credit card.
Hotel contact information
Hotel: Original Sokos Hotel Tripla
Adress: Fredikanterassi 1 B, FI-00520 Helsinki
tel. +358 20 1234 611
Holiday Inn Expo Hotel
The hotel is located in the congress building at the address Messuaukio 1, 00520, Helsinki.
Standard single room 129 EUR/night
Standard double room 149 EUR/night
Rates include breakfast.
Online reservation – The reservation code LQ5 will be automatically applied to the booking form. You can also make a reservation by calling or emailing the hotel and using the code LQ5.
Please note that there is a limited number of rooms in the quota reserved by the congress organizers.
Hotel contact information
Hotel: Holiday Inn Helsinki – Expo
Address: Messuaukio 1, FI-00520 HELSINKI
Tel: +358 300 308 483
Call for ePosters
The ePoster exhibition arranged during Labquality Days is a great opportunity to showcase projects and research results in laboratory medicine, personalized medicine or quality management.
Become an Exhibitor
The exhibition gives you excellent visibility into the Finnish and global medical laboratory and healthcare technology fields. Book your exhibition space now and ensure your presence!
General information
Here you will find more practical information concerning the International Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine.